The specific course is designed in order to provide the basic knowledge and technologies related in the area of Biomedical Engineering. It is addressed to postgraduate students from the areas of engineering as well as computer science focused mainly on the acquisition and processing of various medical data. Throughout the course, basic topics related to Βiomedical Εngineering are presented included: a) Introduction to Biomedical engineering, b) Introduction to the basic biosignals - principles and acquisition procedures, c) Presentation of the basic medical imaging modalities - principles and data acquisition, d) Techniques and algorithms for medical data processing, e) Medical systems based on data processing technique - Case studies, f) Telematics in health: principals, technology - applications, telemedicine and security, telemedicine and medical education, and g) Hospital Information Systems.
Biomedical Engineeringconstracti2023-07-05T19:12:20+03:00