Digital processing of biological signals: methods and processing techniques, design and implementation of digital filtering, applications. Physiology of the heart and Electrocardiogram (ECG): the myocardium, the rhythmic heart excitation, the normal ECG, cardiac arrhythmias and their electrocardiac manifestation, the electronic instrumentation required to capture heart signals. Blood pressure measurements: arterial, pulmonary and venal blood pressure, systolic and diastolic pressure, arterial pressure waveforms, transmission and reflection, blood pressure measurement methods, direct and indirect method. Physiology of the brain and Electroencephalogram (EEG): elementary brain neurophysiology, function of the electroencephalograph, EEG characteristics, processing and information extraction, evoked potentials measurement and interpretation. Electromyography: skeletal muscle structure, neural transmission, Electromyogram (EMG), EMG with electrical transmission, EMG applications, muscle simulation. Electromechanics of biological fluids: fundamental principles of fluid mechanics, hemorrheology, circulation system, blood composition and function, cell electromechanic properties measurement techniques. Presentation of specific applications from the real time processing of biosignals towards the development of medical decision support systems, the detection of arrhythmias, the detection of various compoundsin NMR, etc.
Biomedical Signal Analysis and Processingconstracti2023-07-05T18:35:55+03:00