The main goal of the SANTALPHON project is to develop a prototype device that can monitor the infant via a camera. Applying Computer Vision and Machine Learning techniques to the video stream, our device will be able to monitor sleep parameters (body posture, pacifier position, respiratory function). The proposed system for infant monitoring is in complete compliance with guidelines for reducing the incidence of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and is designed based on the suggestions of the American Academy of Paediatrics regarding the conditions affecting the onset of infant syndrome and parental control guidelines.

In detail, the objective of the project is to design, standardize and implement a prototype device that has the capability of visual and sonic monitoring of the infant with a simple camera aimed at detecting sleep patterns that can cause Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and prevent its occurrence.

BEL is participating in:

  • Study of Technological Excellence & Industrial Research
  • Methods Formulation
  • Requirements Analysis and System Design
  • Prototype Implementation
  • Prototype Testing and Technical Verification
  • Pilot Implementation